Medical Digital Vision (MD Vision)

MD Vision is used to test visual acuity in children, adults and illiterate individulas . It utilises Snellen's and LogMAR opto-types. Test opto-types include Letters, Pictures (Kay Pictures© or extended pictures set), E-test, Sheraton-Gardiner, Landolt-C. An option to create your own charts for regular use or refresh display with new random letter arrangements at will. Contrast sensitivity tests are available for all of the above.
The MD Vision is registered as Class I medical device with The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) since 2003.
MD Vision Test Preferences
- Test distance: between 3-6 metres down to the nearest centimetre.
- Test Type: Snellen or LogMAR
- Test opto-types: Letters, Pictures (Kay Pictures© or extended pictures set), E-test, Sheraton-Gardiner, Landolt-C.
- To use Kay picture or extended picture as default. This option can also be overridden by pressing button ‘pic’ and selecting an option from the main menu only.
- Multiple lines or single lines/single letters options.
- Number of letters/line in LogMAR charts: 3,4 or letters/line.
- Construct your own LogMAR or Snellen charts to save as the default charts.
- Use any one of 3 default charts or use random generation of opto-types for each Snellen & LogMAR. Switch at ease between the default charts.
- Letter charts using all available letters or Orthoptic letters only
- Sloan Letter difficulty score, for LogMAR letter charts, ON/OFF
- Start test with pointing arrow visible or hidden
- Mirror effect ON/OFF
Additional features
- Duchrome test = will toggle ‘Duchrome test’ or ‘Refraction rings on white background’.
- Refraction aids: ‘Fan and block’ or ‘cross cylinder circles’. When using fan, use cursor keys to move block to the appropriate meridian.
- Worth 4 dot test.
- Sloan letter difficulty score on/off for LogMAR charts
- Screen Spot or use the supplied light
- A variety of pictures for fixation target to suite all ages
- Play a video clips for distant fixation.
- Hide or show VA levels