Medicine in the 21 century .... Established in 1999
The Ocular Motility Analyser (OMA) is a computerised Hess chart plus, used for assessing eye movements utilising red/green dissociation. There are 4 tests that can be carried out on the OMA. These are: Plotting the eye movements(computerised Hess), measurements of torsion and deviations in the 9 positions of gaze at a choice of 20, 25 or 30 degrees away from the primary position, plotting the field of BSV and plotting the Uni-ocular Field of Fixation (UFOF).
Click on the side buttons for more details about the different OMA tests.
Additionally computerised preferential looking (PL) cards test can be easily used on the OMA large screen, see under PL Cards.
This OMA test is generally preferred by patients and orthoptists. The average duration of the computerised Hess test is around 6 minutes for both eyes. The test can be used on patients as young as 7 years old and as old as 84 years old. Tests can be viewed, saved, retrieved, backed-up and printed.
The OMA is registered as Class I medical device with The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) since 2003.